Lume Plotters
Watch talk, banter, speculation, news, and information coming from an international duo based in the UAE. Well beyond the Rolex hype (but might contain traces of it), we explore the wonders of horology. Join us on our journey!
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Or… leave us an audio comment using the link below, and we may just play it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/lumeplotters
Give us a follow, and feel free to reach out to us on Instagram: @lumeplotters
Or… leave us an audio comment using the link below, and we may just play it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/lumeplotters
Lume Plotters
Worldtimers and other catastrophes.
Marton and Ralf
Season 3
Episode 1
As promised, this week we go into a world of worldtimers, watches that help you track timezones around the globe. We will discuss our favorites, least favorites, and some absolute atrocities. They’re available at all price points, so perhaps you too should indulge in one!
Give us a follow, and feel free to reach out to us on Instagram: @lumeplotters
Or… leave us an audio comment using the link below, and we may just play it in an upcoming episode: https://www.speakpipe.com/lumeplotters